01273 568591
Tim has over eleven years’ experience in the field of ecology and is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. He is proficient in a wide range of surveys including Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, hedgerow, bat, great crested newt, dormice, reptile, badger and water vole surveys. He holds a Natural England Level 1 Class Licence to trap and handle great crested newt and a Level 2 Class Licence to disturb or capture bats.
Tim is a skilled project manager with an understanding of the planning process and the needs of the client, proficient in working on a range of developments from small residential schemes to nationally significant infrastructure projects. These projects have required him to interpret the Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) process and fully understand the assessment criteria of important ecological features and the mitigation hierarchy, to attribute mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures. Tim has managed major infrastructure projects including the role of Ecology Project Manager for the enabling works on Area South of HS2, in addition to large-scale residential developments in London and the surrounding counties.
Other responsibilities have included liaising with design teams to maximise ecological enhancement measures through BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes assessments and supporting successful applications for Natural England European Protected Species Mitigation and UK protected species development licences.
Tim is the company lead for Biodiversity Net Gain and has extensive experience in carrying these out to support planning applications using various metrics. Tim is also qualified to undertake Modular River Surveys, which enables him to complete the River Condition Assessment element of Biodiversity Net Gain assessments, which feed into the DEFRA’s Statutory Biodiversity Metric.
Tim has successfully undertaken internal workshops and external Continual Professional Development (CPD) sessions to clients and completed the Train the Trainer course run by CIEEM.
Outside of work Tim has carried out hibernation, bat box checking surveys and trapping sessions with the London, Surrey & Kent Bat Groups. He also contributed to the Nathusius’ pipistrelle ringing project in 2015-2019 and Alcathoe/woodland bat projects in 2016-2018. Tim is a keen botanist and regularly attended London Natural History Society and Surrey Botany Society recording meetings before his move to Sussex.
Urban Edge Environmental Consulting Ltd
Unit 5 | Westergate Business Centre
Westergate Road | Brighton | BN2 4QN
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