IMG 0800 2

Nick Pincombe

Managing Director
01273 686766 / 07970 276491

Our team is led by our founding director Nick Pincombe, a Chartered Environmentalist with over eighteen years’ project management experience and extensive practice in environmental planning, ecological survey and impact assessment. Nick works at all levels of the development planning process, from ecological appraisals for individual development sites, landscape approaches to habitat survey and management, and ecological monitoring, to environmental and ecological assessments for strategy documents and local plans.

Nick is our lead author for Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) / Sustainability Appraisal, Environmental/Ecological Impact Assessment, and ES Ecology Chapters. He represents our clients at Planning Inquiries, Examinations in Public, meetings with statutory bodies and public exhibitions.

Nick carries out Preliminary Ecological Appraisals / Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys for schemes of all sizes, and subsequently designs, implements and supervises detailed protected species surveys (e.g. badger, birds, bats, hazel dormouse, great crested newt, otter, reptiles and water vole) and ecological mitigation planning. He holds a Natural England Level 2 Class Licence to disturb and handle bats, and a Level 1 Class Licence to trap and handle great crested newt.

Nick holds Full Membership of both the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, and the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, a CSCS Professionally Qualified Person card, and is a Suitably Qualified Ecologist for BREEAM assessments. He graduated from the University of Newcastle, before gaining a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management and Assessment from Oxford Brookes.

Outside of work Nick loves spending time with his daughters but his secret passions are snowboarding and playing the trombone.